Sunday, October 29, 2017

Presidential scholars program

The Presidential Scholars Program

Lateral Applications for current FSU students are now available. Students must apply by 11:59pm EST on December 1, 2017 for considation.

The Presidential Scholars Program at Florida State University is the premeire undergraduate scholarship available at FSU. Presidential Scholars receive a scholarship package totalling at little over $31000,plus an out of state tutition fee waiver.
Heres a breakdown of the dispersments from the site"
    • The $9,600 Presidential Scholarship distributed over four years
    • A $9,600 Admissions Scholarship distributed over four years
  • $12,000 for educational enrichment opportunities including international experiences such as Study Abroad and Global Scholars, research and creative projects, service learning projects or public service, internships, and entrepreneurial development.
  • Support and guidance through the Honors Program, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and the Office of National Fellows.
  • Faculty mentoring, special advising, and leadership training.
  • Regular group meetings in the Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House for support, discussion, and peer interaction.
  • Living in the Honors residence, Landis Hall, for your first year and having immersive experiences in residential education.
 Scholarship students invited to the Honors Program are also invited to apply for the Presidential Scholars award.

Becoming a presidential scholar is by no means easy, but if youve been the top of your class in high school, isnt it only right to be the top of your class in college. Having this honor on your resume will definitely open doors for you later in life, and the networking opportunities youll be provided are priceless. Because it truly is about WHO you know NOT what you know, dont let unrealistic people tell you anything different. And college is the time to be finding those WHO you knows, and building respect within whatever field you choose. The presidential scholars program definitely includes the WHOs to know, I guarentee that.
It should be something all bright students should at least try for, the worse that could happen would be a denial. So what, you wouldnt have lost anything, you'd still be in the same place. Nothing venteered nothing gained. 

The opportunity to work along side some of the most brilliant minds, is the most awesome opportunity.

If you have any questions, email Jeff Badger, Assistant Director of the Honors Program.

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