Products that make College Life Easier,Safer, and/or more affordable.

Awesome Products for College Students

As a parent of a college freshman I struggle find the right products I can buy to send my daughter in the care packages I send. I search the web for items that will help her save money, and/ or make her time there easier or more efficient.

Im sure other parents have the same issue, so Ive decided to list the awesome products Ive found to send my student, along with some awesome and creative ideas for gifts that make the care package say " your parents rock, and love you very much, youre such a lucky kid", which is the message I am striving at with every care package.

Heres a list of the most awesome products and creative ideas I found for any Student really:


2.Portable washer and dryer devices. The cost to wash a single load in my area at a laundry mat is $2, and that's a relatively small load of laundry. With drying the total comes to around $3 a load. This $3  a load x 4 years can really add up for a college student. The price of doing laundry is something most college students don't factor in when doing a budget. I can understand though, because most high school kids don't foot the bill for washing their clothes. As a parent I think getting these devices for your college student is one of the smartest investment that you can make and depending on the products you decide one, can cost you less than $100. 
Saving your student so much time and money which is what all parents want for their child, right?
I have done some homework for you guys, and these are the items I thought were awesome:
 Portable UltraSonic Washing machine- under $50

There are a handful of options in this category, with my personal favorite being the ultra small ultra sonic washing machine device. Its the size of a mouse, and requires just a basin to put your clothes in and a very small amount of detergent. You just set this device in the basin with your clothes and it uses the ultra sonic waves to clean your clothes.

There are a couple of good brands Id recommend they are:
The Volcano(higher priced)

Heres a video showing how it washes

Portable Washing Machine in a bucket - $75 on ebay with free shipping

Portable washing machine in a bucket
If your someone like me, who likes to see the clothes in the wash moving around, this device is awesome. Definitely a product I wish I had back in college, heck I wish Id had this item, any of the times I had to use a laundry mat. Here's a video of how it works, below:

3. Portable Dryer for small spaces (price range: $30- $100)

A space saving portable dryer is a must have, especially if you decide to get the portable washing machine.
Personally, I like these options, they are both on the opposite sides of the pricing scale. The type of person your student is the key factor in deciding which type youll need. Being that I have a daughter, and knowing the amount of clothes she has, the more expensive option is better for her.
These aren't the only options just my favorites:

 Portable Dryer option thats shaped like a hanger(I found it on ebay for under $30)

Portable dryer off ebay under $30

1000W Heater Home Dorm Ventless Dryer Portable Electric Clothing Dryer Rack -KT - 
under $55 with free shipping on ebay

1000w Ventless portable dryer for your dorm room

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