Thursday, October 5, 2017

Get paid to sell your old textbooks

The price of textbooks in college is at an all time high. Its crazy the amount of money schools are asking students to pay for their books.
Thanks to technology the ability to get your book in a digital format is an option, but I must be old school, because I feel nothing is better than a real book when it comes to studying for an exam. I need to be able to flip back and forth between pages, and if the need arises have the ability to throw the damn thing across the room without worrying if I broke a screen.
Just kidding...kinda.
Schools will buy back textbooks, but the amount they offer is pennies on the dollar. Normally out leaving you enough to buy even one new book, for the next semester.
Good news is there are sites now that offer way more for your old books, and you don't even have to pay to ship the books to them. Heres a list of some of the sites I found: This site is great, they have an app on android and iphone and guarantee fast payment, free shipping, and have some great testimonials. They also say they strive to offer the best price online when buying back your old textbooks. Another site that will buy your old textbooks. Offers quotes for your books as well.Promises fast payment.

Amazon decided to jump on board, and help students with their new book sell back program. Just click the link below if you have some books to sell.
Offering up to 70% back for these old textbooks. They also offer used books at 90% of the original prices, which is awesome in and of itself.Check out their awesome selection here.

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