Saturday, December 2, 2017

MindSumo a creative alternative to obtain money for college.

MindSumo is an awesome site that allows college students the ability to solve problems for companies, and have the ability to earn money while doing it. Basically, companies post a question or an issue they have, which is usually up on the site for around 30-45 days, and you provide feedback, or a solution for their problem. The company reviews all the submissions entered. 

The criteria varies for the payouts. Some of the companies pay the top 3 solutions a predetermined amount ( $150 is normally split between 3 solvers), or there is a set amount displayed next to the challenge ( normally $1600 ). This amount is distributed between a specific percentage of the entrires(normally the top 50%, but it can vary).

This payout option can yield bigger payouts, as if only a small number of solvers enter the bigger the payout for each solver. Here's an example, if the challenge offers $1600to thetop 50% and  runs for 30 days, and at the end of 30 days the company has only received 45solutions. Half  of those solutions/ideas entered will be paid a different percentage of the payout which is determined by where youre solution ranks with the company.  With the top 10% spliting $1000, the next 15% sharing $400, and the next 25% sharing $200.

In a recent challenge where only 45 solutions where entered the top 10% received $200 each for their submission.!

MindSumo provides students an alternative to traditional scholarships and can even serve as a flexible part-time job for students with busy schedules.

MindSumo offers financial rewards to students for their hard work and creativity in developing a solution. They want students to develop recommendations that they would be proud to present to an executive.
The site stresses that their main goal is to direct students on professional skill development as part of their experience, as well. Encouraging solvers to include MindSumo company collaborations on their resumes.

So if you're looking for extra money to fund your education, MindSumo is another place to do just that. Give it a try.


Need help with your scholarship essays? Heres a page with hundreds of real scholarship essays written by real students applying for real scholarships and grants.

Need help creating the perfect resume to go along with your scholarship essay, or that summer internship? Get a breakdown of the necessary components with awesome examples here

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Biggest Scholarships Available to College Freshman

Applying for scholarships is not something just for senior year. Most students need money throughout the time they are enrolled, and the only way to get that money is to stay on top of the scholarship and grant money available to you.
This is better done with a firm strategy in mind, a good scholarship/deadline tracker, and an online file storage where you keep copies of all the essays and such youve used throughout your scholarship journey.

With that said, here is a list of the top paying scholarships available to college freshman

George W. Jenkins Scholarship $55,000 December 01, 2017
James W. McLamore WHOPPER Scholarship $50,000 December 15, 2017
Battelle Scholarship $45,000 Varies
GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program Up to $40,000 January 04, 2018
Honors Program Scholarship - CSU $37,056 January 15, 2018
NSA Cooperative Education Program Up to $43,684 Varies
FIRST Scholarship - Tulane University $30,000 January 05, 2018
Patricia Cornwell Scholarship $30,000 January 05, 2018
Bethel National Merit Scholarship $30,000 Varies
Tarble Family California Scholarship Up to $27,000 December 03, 2017

2018 Us department of education federal grants for college students

Just wanted to provide everyone with the link to the  US Department of Education's Forecast on Available Grants for the 2018 school year.

Applying for grants from the federal government requires strict attention to details, and patience, so as to not get lost in the federal governments ability to draw out every single detail, in the most BORING way possible. In the end if youre able to stick with it, the benefit is well worth the effort, free (well if you dont put a price on your time or effort) money for college.

Make sure to bookmark this site, and regularly check on the available grants that are being offered.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Grants and Scholarships for Florida State Students

All students in need of financial aid must fill out a FAFSA application. This application is the most important application as it determines most of your financial aid available from the federal government, and since the federal government supplies 99% of all scholarships and grants available, its correctness is of the up most importance.

If you need more help determining what kind of financial aid you qualify for the department of education has a site up just for that, heres the link to that site.Each States Department of Education  has local grants available to its residents. 

Florida State University has a grant available for the students enrolled there. You must get with your financial aid office on campus to get more information. The scholarship is called the Florida State University Grant and Differential Florida State University Grant.

This FSU funded grant is awarded to degree seeking undergraduate students who meet university need guidelines. Awards range from $200 to $1,800 per academic year based on the availability of funds. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours per term) to receive FSUG or DFSU.

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is a Federal grant awarded to low income, undergraduate, degree seeking students. Awards range from $200 to $1,500 per academic year, based on the availability of funds. This grant is for one year only and is not guaranteed in subsequent years. Priority is given to students who meet the following requirements:
  • Has NOT obtained a bachelor's or professional degree
  • Demonstrates exceptional financial need (i.e. they have a low EFC)
  • Must be a Federal Pell Grant recipient
  • Enrollment of at least half-time status (6 credit hours)

Florida Department of Education offers the following Grants for Florida students:

First Generation Matching Grant Program

The First Generation Matching Grant (FGEN) is a need-based award program offering grants to first degree seeking undergraduate students whose parents have not earned a Bachelor's degree. Awards range from $200 to $3,000 per academic year based on the availability of funds. Primary consideration is given to students who meet the following eligibility requirements:
  • Student is a participant in the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement (CARE) program
  • Demonstrates exceptional financial need (i.e. they have a low EFC)
  • Must be a Federal Pell grant recipient
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen or Eligible non-Citizen
  • Student must be a Florida Resident
  • Student must be a first generation college student (neither parent has earned a Bachelor's degree)
  • Students must be enrolled full-time to receive grant (12 credit hour minimum per term)
  • Student must continue to meet all of the above requirements
  • Student must have earned a minimum of 24 hour for the PRIOR academic year
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0
*Please note that not all CARE students that meet eligibility requirements will receive this grant and it is not guaranteed in subsequent years due to limited funding.

Florida Student Assistance Grant Program

The Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) Program is a need-based grant program available to degree-seeking, resident, undergraduate students who demonstrate substantial financial need and are enrolled in participating postsecondary institutions.
 • The Florida Public Student Assistance Grant is available to students who attend state universities and Florida colleges (public community colleges)
. • The Florida Private Student Assistance Grant is available to students who attend eligible private, non-profit, four-year colleges and universities. 

FSU Scholarships

Florida State University also offers multiple scholarship opportunites through the universities financial aid office. The FAFSA application is still required for each of the following scholarships.

My Perfect Plants Scholarship

Perfect Plants is a family owned nursery operating on the same property and principals that were established in 1980 with the purchase of the family farm. We are serious about plants and serious about offering the best products and information to our customers. As second-generation growers, we are proud of our industry and know how important it is to cultivate further interest and education in horticulture. With this in mind, we began our South East Regional Scholarship Program in 2016 to those pursuing a degree in the horticultural industry.
Award: $1000
  • Undergraduate student
  • program leading to a career in the horticultural industry
  • 3.0 GPA
 Florida State University also has an FSU OFA Foundation application  that is only accepted during the month of March, each year, for two of the scholarships available specifically through FSU financial aid department. Those scholarships are;

William "Cody" Good Scholarship- Awards $1000

  • Open to Undergraduate students from Santa Rosa County
    • minimum 2.5 GPA
    • Preference given to graduates of Gulf Breeze High school
  • To apply submit:
    • FSU OFA Foundation application (acceptable only during the month of March)
    • Essay on how scholarship funds would assist you in your educational study
    • Current Transcript
    • Resume
    • Submit all applications to the Office of Financial Aid.

Deeb Scholarship

  • Application period is every March 1st to May 31st. Applications submitted before or after will not be considered.
  • Applicant must be either adopted or an orphan
  • Legal documentation verifying status must accompany this scholarship application
  • If applying as a need-based student, please file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to applying for this scholarship.
  • Must have a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA (grade point average)
  • Must enroll full-time - no exceptions - to receive scholarship. Undergraduates: minimum of 12 credits per term. Graduates: minimum of 9 credits per term.

Below are some helpful links for your grant/scholarship search:

Sample Scholarship Inquiry Letter Template

Financial aid application for florida state

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Grants for women

Why is a grant one of the best ways to pay for college? 
 A grant is a type of financial assistance that does not have to be repaid.
Meaning no debt, no interest payments, just 100% free money to help fund your education. Below Ive listed with the help of a alphabetical list of grants available to women to support their education.

American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Features information on fellowships, grants, and awards for female students, presented by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in Washington, D.C. Discusses AAUW Educational Foundation fellowships and grants, AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund support for sex discrimination lawsuits, and the International Federation of University Women.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Arcus Foundation
Provides grants through several funds, to include the Arcus Fund, Gay & Lesbian Fund, Great Apes Fund, and the National Fund. The Arcus Foundation envisions and contributes to a pluralistic world that celebrates diversity and dignity, invests in social justice, and promotes tolerance and compassion.
Grant Amount: Varies

Association For Women In Mathematics
The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to encourage women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Association for Women In Science Scholarships and Fellowships
Each year, the AWIS Educational Foundation offers predoctoral awards and college scholarships for high school seniors in the amount of $1,000. A new program, the Kirsten R. Lorentzen Award, is for college sophomores or juniors studying physics or geoscience.
Grant Amount: $1,000
More Info:

Barbara Lee Family Foundation
The Barbara Lee Family Foundation was founded by Barbara Lee to strategically advance two of her longstanding passions – women in politics and the contemporary arts. The Women in Politics Program Area is dedicated to engaging women in the American democratic process and promoting their participation at all levels of government.
Grant Amount: Not listed.

Colin Higgins Foundation
Through its grantmaking activities, The Colin Higgins Foundation supports organizations that build the power and leadership of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered youth (age 13-24) through:- Grassroots organizing and/or comprehensive leadership development
- Working with historically underprivileged constituencies: youth of color,
transgendered, immigrant,low income or rural youth/and or youth in reservation
- Striving to bring about institutional change in the legal, political economic or
cultural structures that impact the LGBT youth, and;
- Working to link LGBT youth to other organization and social justice movements.
Grant Amount: $10,000-$20,000

Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting Scholarships
The Educational Foundation awards scholarships to women who are pursuing accounting degrees at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Grant Amount: $1,000 - $5,000
More Info:

Federated Dept Store Foundation
Charitable giving through the Federated Foundation, from Federated’s divisions and corporate office and The May Department Stores Foundation totaled more than $33.5 million in fiscal 2005. Areas of strategic focus for the Federated Foundation continue to be education, arts/culture, minority issues, women’s issues and HIV/AIDS.
Grant Amount: Varies

Girls Global Education Fund (GGEF)
GGEF is unique in that they are the only organization whose sole mission is to send girls to schools. To address the gender gap that exists between girls’ and boys’ education wanted to give girls a program of their own.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Girls Inc. Grants
Each year, Girls Inc. partners with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to offer the Family Strengthening Awards that recognize Girls Inc. affiliates for outstanding programs that make families stronger and thus, help girls reach their full potential.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Google Anita Borg Scholarship
As part of Google's ongoing commitment to furthering Dr. Anita Borg's vision, they are pleased to announce the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, through which we hope to encourage women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders.
Grant Amount: $1,000 - $10,000

HORIZONS Scholarship For Women
The scholarship is intended to provide financial assistance to further educational objectives of women who are U.S. citizens either employed or planning careers in defense or national security areas.
Grant Amount: Varies

International Federation of University Women's Fellowships and Grants (IFUW)
IFUW and its national affiliates help to build the future by offering fellowships and grants to enable women and girls to achieve their educational goals
Grant Amount: Varies

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) Scholarship Program
Women are the overwhelming majority of professionals in the meeting industry, yet the overwhelming minority in leadership positions in their corporation/ organizations. In 2001, MPI launched a “Women’s Leadership Initiative” and has since worked to change this gender-related leadership statistic. Categories of scholarship funding include:
- College education funding
- General leadership education or academic funding
- MPI Programs- for leadership, career and education or academic funding specifically provided by MPI
Scholarship Amounts: Not listed.
More Info:

Mott Foundation
The Mott Foundation has three grantmaking objectives: To strengthen education for democratic participation, To support women’s participation in government and nongovernmental organizations, To strengthen the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector.
Grant Amount: Varies

Ms. Foundation For Women
The Ms. Foundation for Women has been creating opportunities for women and girls for 30 years. We know that when we invest in women and girls, helping them develop their voices and skills, everyone benefits—men, boys, families, and communities.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

National Physical Science Consortium Fellowships For Women
NPSC offers a unique graduate fellowship in the physical sciences and related engineering fields. It is open to all U. S. Citizens, but with emphasis on recruitment of applications from historically underrepresented minorities and women.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

NOW Foundation
This foundation is a non-profit organization that is devoted to furthering women's rights through education and litigation. They are affiliated with the National Organization for Women - the largest organization for women's rights.
Grant Amount: Varies

Open Society Institute Grants
The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grantmaking foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform. Locally, OSI implements a range of initiative to support the rule of law, education, public health and independent media. Specifically for women, this organization promotes the advancement of women’s human rights, gender equality, and empowerment as an integral part of the process of democratization.
Grant Range (awarded to programs benefiting women): $340 to $550,000

PeaChic Grants
peaChic was created by women in business, for women in business.  Because of this we also focus significant effort on helping women, nationwide, achieve their dreams through owning businesses of their own.  In addition to well balanced articles, peaChic also offers grants 4 times per year for the purpose of starting or expanding woman-owned/woman-focused businesses. These grants are corporate-sponsored and never require repayment.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

PEO International
True to the mission of promoting educational opportunities for women, education continues to be the primary philanthropy of the P.E.O. Sisterhood. In fact, the P.E.O. Sisterhood proudly sponsors no less than five international philanthropies, or projects, designed to assist women with their educational goals.
Grant Amount: Varies

Roller Panhellenic Scholarship For Women
The Mary Louise Roller Panhellenic Scholarship is an annual award of $1,000 awarded to an undergraduate woman who plans to attend graduate school the following fall.
Grant Amount: $1,000

Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund
Talbots Women's Scholarship Fund, a program of the Talbots Charitable Foundation, will award $100,000 in scholarships to women determined to finally get that college degree.
Grant Amount: $1,000 - $10,000

Textron Corporate Grants
Textron is committed to helping prepare both adults and young people to achieve gainful employment and ultimately, success in the workplace. We support all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education and a variety of innovative job training programs for people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.
Grant Amount: Varies

Travel Grants For Women through the National Science Foundation and the Association for Women in Mathematics
This program enables women to attend research conferences in their fields, thereby providing a valuable opportunity to advance their research activities and their visibility in the research community.
Grant Amount: Up to $2,000

Verizon Foundation
This Foundation concentrates its funding in the areas of literacy, digital divide, women and economic development, people with disabilities, education/scholarships, and community development.
Grant Amount: Varies

Whitehead Scholarship Program For Women
While most of the Lettie Pate Whitehead scholarships go toward undergraduate higher education, the Foundation maintains a special interest in health education. A significant number of its scholarship grants support education in the medical, nursing and allied health care fields.
Grant Amount: Varies

 Women's Funding Network
This fund transforms the traditional relationship between funds, donors, grassroots organizations, and the women and girls served by bringing all parties together.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Women In Engineering Grants (WEPAN)
WEPAN Awards honor key individuals, programs, and corporations for accomplishments that underscore WEPAN's mission. They are presented each year at the annual conference for extraordinary service, significant achievement, model programs, and work environments that support the career success of women engineers.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Women's Research and Education Institute Fellowship
This fellowship gives female students an experience in public policymaking in Congress.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Zonta International
Zonta International is a global organization of executives and professionals working
together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Grant Amount: Varies
More Info:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Full Ride Video Scholarship from Shofur National

DEADLINE: November 30,2017
Scholarship Amount: Full 4 year tutition paid

Shofur Bus Rental Company was established by CEO Arrmir Harris, an Albanian born refugee, who wants to give back to one exceptional student in the form of a full 4 year scholarship to any accredited public or private college, or technical school, in pursuit of the American dream.

You must be a graduating high school senior, or a current college student. 
You must create your personal Shofur Scholarship Story ( How to Apply).
There are no GPA or US Citizenship requirements.

Shofur is asking for your Scholarship Story to be submitted by video. Be sure to follow the guidelines, and make sure to mark the deadline on your Scholarship Tracker. 


Eye for Design Scholarship worth $1000 by is currently offering a $1000 scholarship in the form of an Instagram photo contest.
Joybird wants you to take a photo of your study space , write a brief description of your design style,and share it on Instagram @joybird, and use the hashtag #eyefordesignscholarship2017.

Submissions must be in by July 31, 2018. A winner will be chosen on August 1, 2018.
To be eligible you must be a graduating senior in high school, or a current college student( the type of school is open, tradeschools allowed as well.)

There is a simple application process, and no essay or GPA requirements. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

TalentHub Worldwide is seeking a english to spanish translator

Currently TalentHub Worldwide is seeking a Spanish translator for part time contract work to remotely(this means from anywhere) for around 15 hours a week (mostly weekends), translating papers focused mainly at  students 5th grade through university. 

The company has 12 (1000 word) articles that need to be done ASAP, and will continue to need 500 words a week translated. The translation is from english to spanish, and the company states that you will most likely not be required to write any original articles,

The pay is set at $160 per article. 

Heres the link to the job positioning which is being held with smart Youll be required to sign up for an account with smart recruiters to apply.

Youll need samples of your writing. Some ideas for these examples could be: speeches you wrote for graduation and copies of any essays  youve written when applying for scholarships( *** IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO KEEP ALL ESSAYS WRITTEN WHEN APPLYING FOR A SCHOLARSHIP IN A CLOUD STORAGE ACCOUNT, SO YOU CAN ACCESS ANY OF YOUR PRIOR ESSAYS/OTHER WRITING SAMPLES FROM ANY DEVICE, KEEP THEM IN A SPECIFIC FOLDER YOU CREATE, AND VIOLA INSTANT WRITING SAMPLES). 

You could also use any writings you done for any recent papers youve turned in this year. This is a great opportunity to make a good amount of money doing something that is easy to do, for all you bilingual students out there. Plus itll give you some good experience to add to your resume.

Heres the link to apply one more time.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

College University/ City Blogger Needed by

Currently listed at there is a job posting looking for college students or alumni living on or near campus in specific US cities.

Youll be creating blog posts that are 500 words with 3 good photo images per post, as guides of things to do around the university area such as cafes, places with the best free wifi, cheap eats, pizza places ... etc.
Apply Now

This is an awesome opportunity especially for college freshman who are feeling their way around a new city. You would be reviewing these places, and once businesses in your town took notice of this fact, I'm sure you'll be invited to many of the hard to get into events, treated like a rockstar, and be getting paid to experience events and places you would have already been visiting anyway.
This position is Looking to hire bloggers for the following college areas:

Florida State University (Tallahassee)
Georgetown University (Washington DC)
Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)
Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY)
Texas A&M (College Station)
University of South Carolina (Columbia)
University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa)
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge)

(Site excerpt)

Please include:
Location/College area
Links to your 3 social profiles (your choice)
Link to your blog (if you have one)
2 recent posts that you've written with original photos by you (if you have)

Don't worry if you don't have posts to show them. If you have any special awards for writing while in school( like maybe you won Author of the Year), these would be great to include as experience, and vague for your writing abilities.

Probloggers site does not list a wage amount, but depending upon your skill set I'd expect to make $12-15 hour or more likely $15-$50 a post. (These amounts are just assuptions) Also never forget most freelance work has a negotiable terms for payment.

Depending on your major, this work will help build experience to include on your resume. While the remote position and freelance status shows potential employers you can keep on task and work well alone.

So check this opportunity out and apply here at

Be sure to check out, it is an awesome site that provides content and ideas you actually need and use if you are a blogger.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Presidential scholars program

The Presidential Scholars Program

Lateral Applications for current FSU students are now available. Students must apply by 11:59pm EST on December 1, 2017 for considation.

The Presidential Scholars Program at Florida State University is the premeire undergraduate scholarship available at FSU. Presidential Scholars receive a scholarship package totalling at little over $31000,plus an out of state tutition fee waiver.
Heres a breakdown of the dispersments from the site"
    • The $9,600 Presidential Scholarship distributed over four years
    • A $9,600 Admissions Scholarship distributed over four years
  • $12,000 for educational enrichment opportunities including international experiences such as Study Abroad and Global Scholars, research and creative projects, service learning projects or public service, internships, and entrepreneurial development.
  • Support and guidance through the Honors Program, Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement and the Office of National Fellows.
  • Faculty mentoring, special advising, and leadership training.
  • Regular group meetings in the Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House for support, discussion, and peer interaction.
  • Living in the Honors residence, Landis Hall, for your first year and having immersive experiences in residential education.
 Scholarship students invited to the Honors Program are also invited to apply for the Presidential Scholars award.

Becoming a presidential scholar is by no means easy, but if youve been the top of your class in high school, isnt it only right to be the top of your class in college. Having this honor on your resume will definitely open doors for you later in life, and the networking opportunities youll be provided are priceless. Because it truly is about WHO you know NOT what you know, dont let unrealistic people tell you anything different. And college is the time to be finding those WHO you knows, and building respect within whatever field you choose. The presidential scholars program definitely includes the WHOs to know, I guarentee that.
It should be something all bright students should at least try for, the worse that could happen would be a denial. So what, you wouldnt have lost anything, you'd still be in the same place. Nothing venteered nothing gained. 

The opportunity to work along side some of the most brilliant minds, is the most awesome opportunity.

If you have any questions, email Jeff Badger, Assistant Director of the Honors Program.